TECHmED / EKG & Arytmológia (Kniha) / Griffith algoritmus


Peter Blahút

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Griffith algoritmus

Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm

Peter Blahút

Aberantná SVT

supra-ventricular tachycardia with RBBB (wide complex tachycardia)

supra-ventricular tachycardia with LBBB (wide complex tachycardia)

Griffith algoritmus

Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm, Wide complex tachycardia Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm, Wide complex tachycardia, SVT with aberrant conduction due to bundle branch block, RBBB, LBBB Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm, Wide complex tachycardia, Orthodrome AV, SVT with aberrant conduction due to the Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome
Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm, Differential Diagnosis (DDx) of Wide-Complex Tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

Griffith algoritmus v Klinickej praxi

Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm, SVT with RBBB morphology, SVT with LBBB morphology, ventricular tachycardia

Griffith algoritmus

ECG wide QRS complex tachycardia (ventricular tachycardia), Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm, Wide complex tachycardia

ECG wide QRS complex tachycardia (ventricular tachycardia), SVT with RBBB - NO, SVT with LBBB - NO, Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm, Wide complex tachycardia

ECG wide QRS complex tachycardia (SVT with RBBB), SVT with RBBB - YES, Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

  • Šírka QRS 0,14s
  • Frekvencia 212/min.
  • Griffith algoritmus
    • 1. Má ŠKT obraz BPTR? - ÁNO
  • Ide o Aberantnú SVT s BPTR
Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm, Wide complex tachycardia, SVT with aberrant conduction due to bundle branch block, RBBB, LBBB

Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm, ECG differential diagnosis (DDx) broad complex tachycardia, SVT with LBBB morphology

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

  • Šírka QRS 0,14s
  • Frekvencia 150/min.
  • Griffith algoritmus
    • 1. Má ŠKT obraz BPTR? - NIE
    • 2. Má ŠKT obraz BĽTR? - ÁNO
  • Ide o Aberantnú SVT s BĽTR
supraventricular tachycardia, LBBB morphology

Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm, DDx broad complex tachycardia, RBBB morphology - YES, SVT with RBBB

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

  • Šírka QRS 0,18s
  • Frekvencia 150/min.
  • Griffith algoritmus
    • 1. Má ŠKT obraz BPTR? - ÁNO
  • Ide o Aberantnú SVT s BPTR
Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) algorithm, Wide complex tachycardia, SVT with aberrant conduction due to bundle branch block, RBBB, LBBB

Griffith criteria, ECG wide QRS complex tachycardia, Ventricular tachycardia, AV dissociation

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

  • Šírka QRS 0,18s
  • Frekvencia 210/min.
  • Griffith algoritmus
    • 1. Má ŠKT obraz BPTR? - NIE
    • 2. Má ŠKT obraz BĽTR? - ÁNO
  • Podľa Griffith algoritmu ide o aberantnú SVT s BĽTR
  • Na EKG je AV disociácia (šípky)
    • čo je základný znak komorovej tachykardie
Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) criteria, Wide complex tachycardia

Griffith criteria, SVT with LBBB morphology, AV dissociation, ventricular tachycardia

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

  • Šírka QRS 0,18s
  • Frekvencia 150/min.
  • Griffith algoritmus
    • 1. Má ŠKT obraz BPTR? - NIE
    • 2. Má ŠKT obraz BĽTR? - ÁNO
  • Podľa Griffith algoritmu ide o aberantnú SVT s BĽTR
  • Na EKG je AV disociácia (šípky)
    • čo je základný znak komorovej tachykardie
Griffith (Bundle Branch Block) criteria, Wide complex tachycardia